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Why You Need a Fall Morning Routine (+Ideas & Resources for a Beautiful Morning)

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The nights and mornings are turning cooler and the days are slowly feeling less stiflingly hot. In September as we welcome autumn’s arrival, we have many reasons to get excited for the season. Not only is the weather so much more tolerable, but there is so much yummy food and always a reason to celebrate. I recently shared how to have a peaceful summer to fall transition, which featured great tips for how to ease your way into fall. As fall approaches ever so quickly, it calls for change. One thing that’s really important to have as you get older is a solid routine. However, when we transition from one season to the next, things change and this includes our routine. That’s why I think it’s important to build a good fall morning routine.

fall morning routine

What is a fall morning routine?

A routine is something that you do over and over again, usually at the same time. Obviously, a morning routine will take place in the morning and I threw in fall to focus on some seasonal habits. The great thing about having a fall morning routine is that it will look different for everyone. Some of us are homemakers with children and some are women who work full-time and are single without children. The ideas for building a good fall morning routine are endless and they can look however you want them to. Before we move onto some ideas for what to include in your fall morning routine, it’s important to look at WHY you need a fall morning routine.

fall morning routine

RELATED: 14 ways to have the best summer to fall transition

Why You Need a Fall Morning Routine

The start of a new season is a great time for a refresh.

In my opinion, fall is the most refreshing time of year. We are officially on the final downhill slope towards the end of the year and it’s a time to begin reflecting on our routines as we wrap up the year. Starting a new routine during the fall is a great way to reset. It gives you new perspective on things you’d like to change for the final few months of the year. It also makes sense because summer and fall are pretty drastically different from one another and you’ll want to change up how you do things.

We need change in our lives.

We don’t like change but we certainly need it. If we stayed the same all the time, we would never grow and become more mature. Changing things up every once in a while is good. As my pastor said in a recent sermon, we like change that we can control. Planning a new fall morning routine is something we can control. Change brings about a sort of freshness to our lives and it’s good to switch things up every now and then.

fall morning routine

We also need some structure.

Without a routine, you have no structure. I’m definitely a less structured type of person. I don’t like schedules that dictate my entire day. I need more of a loose framework. This is where a fall morning routine becomes useful. Routines and habits provide structure in a flexible way. They allow us to be productive and get things done without feeling like we’re going to miss a deadline if we end up cleaning the house at 10:00 instead of 9:45. Routines provide comfort because they are things we’re doing repeatedly but not so much that they make us feel smothered.

It sets us up for success.

When you enact routines into your life, you are more likely to be successful throughout the day. I’ll tell you about some of my routines and rhythms throughout the day later in this post, but one thing I typically do is prioritize my housework when my husband is at PT (physical training) from 6:00-7:30 in the morning. I’m typically most productive in the morning hours with my motivation and productivity waning as the day progresses. I don’t enjoy cleaning as much as some other homemakers do, but getting it out of the way first thing in the morning makes me feel really successful. The rest of the day feels like a breeze because I’ve already completed the hardest part before it really even started.

The day flows more easily.

Routines are great because they never dictate when specifically you need to complete them. There is no set time like you have with a schedule. Instead, they are just things you do repeatedly to build better habits. When you get into good rhythms, your fall morning routine helps the day flow with ease. I like to build my day around my morning routines because it helps me to prioritize them, making sure things get done at home.

It lowers stress and increases productivity.

If you want the most convincing reason to begin a fall morning routine, this one is it. When you have routines and rhythms in place, you are less stressed. You feel more organized which allows you to increase productivity. I don’t want to mistake productivity for busy-ness because they are not the same things. When you are truly productive, you accomplish much without feeling burnt out. Routines help this to happen.

Ideas for a Fall Morning Routine

Now that I’ve explained why I think it’s important to have a fall morning routine, I’m going to give you some ideas for what you can include in your routine. The best part is that it’s YOUR routine, so it’s entirely customizable. If there’s something you don’t like or could never see yourself doing, don’t include it! Many of these are things I do regularly but you can take and leave whichever ideas you want to.

Start slow.

If there’s one single thing that’s helped me be successful during my fall morning routine, it’s to start slow. When I was a teacher, I’d wake up ridiculously early, rush to get everything ready for the day, hopefully shovel some breakfast into my mouth, and then rush out the door. This would usually take less than an hour and I ALWAYS felt stressed. When I began working jobs outside of teaching, I taught myself to slow down and enjoy my morning. You don’t want to spike your cortisol too much, especially after waking up and having a slow morning is a great way to do that. Here are some suggestions for a slow morning:

  • Set an alarm clock (or this one) and wake up early.
  • Light some flameless candles.
  • Skip the snooze button and simply wake up.
  • Keep your phone out of sight for at least 30 minutes.
  • Practice gratitude with this journal.
  • Pray!
fall morning routine

Engage in calming activities.

Along with having a slow morning, a good thing to include in your fall morning routine is calming activities. I think the key to setting yourself up for the day is keeping your stress low, especially if you have a more stressful job. It’s not fun to rush around in the morning and run out the day like a maniac. It’s much more enjoyable to have a morning where you feel calm and ready for the start of the day. Even homemakers who are home full-time can feel overwhelmed and stressed. This is why calming activities are so important. Here are some you might want to include in your fall morning routine.

  • Deep breathing
  • Doodle or journal
  • Meditation
  • Praying
  • Listen to a motivational podcast
  • Sit in silence for just a few minutes
  • Do a crossword puzzle or sudoku
  • Knit, sew, or crochet
  • Water your plants or garden

Clean first thing.

I’m not kidding when I tell you cleaning first thing in the morning has been life changing. If you’re anything like me, you’d rather be doing just about anything other than cleaning 😊 At this point, I realize it’s just probably not something I’ll thoroughly enjoy like other people do. I do it because it needs done and I don’t want a dirty house but I don’t find it as enjoying as cooking, baking, or writing. That’s why I started doing it right after I wake up. You need to understand that I’m a morning person, so I’m naturally more productive in the morning. Cleaning first thing makes sense for me. Maybe you’d enjoy it later in the day or only on the weekends because of your work schedule. Either way, find a time that works best for you to clean and you’ll feel so much better. Check out some of these cleaning products I absolutely love.

fall morning routine

Make a to-do list for the day.

I don’t like my daily life dictated by a schedule unless is completely necessary. However, I really enjoy making a to-do list for the day. I have a Day Designer Planner and I’ll probably never buy another type. They are such great planners and I highly recommend them. In the Day Designer, it provides a daily to-do list, making it easy to plan. This is a great task to include in your fall morning routine. There’s something so satisfying about making a to-do list and checking it off throughout the day. It provides a sense of accomplishment once you’re finished.

fall morning routine

Read (especially the Bible!)

One thing that’s always in my fall morning routine is reading my Bible. I don’t always do it first thing in the morning, but it’s something that’s incredibly important to me. I’ve taken an interest in using study Bibles and recently switched to the ESV Bible, which I’m loving. This ESV women’s study Bible is beautiful and a great way to dive deeper into the word of God. If reading the Bible isn’t something you do, I still recommend reading a book, preferably one that will provide encouragement and comfort. I recently added Breath by James Nestor to my “want to read list” and I feel like you can’t go wrong with this devotional.

Get some sunlight.

In recent months, I’ve learned how important sunlight is for us. Getting sunlight as the sun rises helps to reset your circadian rhythm, helping you to sleep better at night. In America, we don’t get enough sunlight. Many people work full-time, either at an office or at home. When you’re working, you’re probably inside and not taking in all of its benefits. The sun has a bad reputation for causing cancer and this just isn’t true. In fact, the sun provides beneficial vitamins for the human body. Thankfully, the sun comes up before many people start their days, so this is a great time to get even 10-15 minutes. You can even complete some tasks while taking it in! Still unable to get outside? Try this light therapy lamp to get similar benefits.

fall morning routine

Stay off devices.

I’m a hypocrite as a write this post at 6:30 in the morning! Even so, the advice is sage: stay off devices for at least 30 minutes after waking up. I started leaving my phone out of our bedroom and it’s made a significant difference. I noticed I don’t have as big a desire to be on it. Living a lower tech life is one of my principles of living a slower life so I do whatever I can to curb device usage. Scrolling on your phone at o-dark thirty is not the best idea. You need to give your brain and body time to acclimate to being awake. When you flood your brain with blue light and dopamine right when you wake up, it has the opposite effect of what a slow morning should be. Instead of getting on your phone, try reading a book or even just laying in bed for a few minutes.

Eat a fresh or hot breakfast.

Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. I think most of us can agree with that statement. But it goes beyond eating. What you eat is just as important as when you eat. If you are carb-loading with bagels, muffins, orange juice, and coffee creamer, you’re almost guaranteed hungry shortly after. Instead, try getting in a freshly-cooked or hot breakfast. Don’t have time to make it that same morning? Prep ahead! There are some great make-ahead breakfasts that will keep you full until closer to lunch. Aim to focus on protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates.

fall morning routine

If you’re able to make a fresh breakfast, try my easy breakfast bowl recipe! It’s deliciously satisfying. Sausage and egg breakfast pizzas are also a win, as is this breakfast hash.

In a pinch and need to prep ahead? Check out these delicious ideas. Pumpkin baked oatmeal, berry cheesecake overnight oats, hashbrown breakfast casserole, and crescent roll breakfast casserole.

Plan out your day.

I’ve already mentioned a few ways to plan out your day but I’ll mention it again here. Planning your day doesn’t have to be super strict. This is coming from someone who is rather spontaneous and likes to keep her options open. However, planning your day will help you to more likely be successful because you are giving yourself something to work for and towards. Whether it’s as simple as listing three things you want to accomplish, or a master schedule complete with tasks within your timeline, it’s totally up to you. Planning also keeps you organized. If you like the idea of using a planner, here are some great options (I mentioned Day Designer above):

Make your bed.

I’ll be honest, it’s rare if I make my bed. I’m typically awake before my husband and I maybe am upstairs in our bed a total of two times before we go to bed. To me, it’s not that big of a deal if the bed gets made, but I know it is for other people, which is why it made the list. It’s something I aspire to do every day. Making your bed can give you a sense of accomplishment and help start your day off better. There’s something beautiful about a bedroom with a made bed. Check out these beautiful sheets for your bed from BAMPURE!

fall morning routine

Drink your favorite beverage.

What’s your favorite? Coffee? Tea? Water? Juice? For me, coffee, please! For part of my own fall morning routine, I love my morning coffee, more for taste than anything. It provides a sense of coziness when the mornings are just a little chilly, especially when I add my homemade pumpkin spice creamer to it. Whether you’re a tea, coffee, or water drinker, adding this into your own fall morning routine is a great option, especially when paired with a slow morning. There’s nothing better than sipping coffee throughout the morning while doing computer work or checking off tasks from my to-do list. Pour some organic Yogi tea or Black Rifle coffee into one of these beautiful vintage iridescent glass mugs or this fun autumn mug for some extra enjoyment.

fall morning routine

Listen to cozy music.

I’ve mentioned this one so many times in other posts and now I’m encouraging you to add it to your fall morning routine! There’s nothing better than sipping some delicious coffee while listening to acoustic music with cozy fall vibes. It’s incredibly peaceful and makes me want to cover myself up and just get cozy on my couch. That, or drive through the mountains while looking at fall foliage! Violins, acoustic guitars, and banjoes remind me of sitting around a campfire after a hayride and bobbing for apples. In my opinion, there is nothing better. Put on some of your favorite fall tunes with this adorable retro Bluetooth radio/speaker.

Begin the night before.

This is the best piece of advice for those who feel like their mornings are rushed. The last thing you want during your fall morning routine is to feel rushed. I suggest you begin your routine the night before. If you have to leave early for work, some ideas would be to get everything ready for the next day as soon as you get home. Set out your clothes, make sure your lunch and items for work are ready before you even eat dinner. It lightens the amount of stress significantly. Even for those of us who stay home or work from home, there’s nothing wrong with getting a jump on things the night before. Maybe you can set up your coffee and have it brew at the time you wake up. You can also plan out your day the night before so you’re definitely prepped and ready for the morning!

I hope some of these ideas resonated with you and I hope you are feeling inspired to either start or improve on your fall morning routine. Fall is the best time of year due to the fresh perspectives we have on life. I’d love to know what some of your own fall morning routine habits look like. Tell me in the comments below! Until next time, Kayla.

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